Collective Worship
We hold a number of special services throughout the school year at All Saints Church. These include services that conclude each term at Harvest, Christmas, Easter and for Y6 leavers at the end of the academic year. In addition to this we have a number of activities connected to the church throughout the year. Earlier this year, our school councillors helped to decorate a Christmas tree within the church.
Each Monday morning at 9:05am children have the opportunity to come together to share in whole school worship. These are led by Mr Smith, Reverend Bish or our worship group and are linked to the term's core value. They often incorporate a bible story but can also help to introduce the term's core value or y Happy Mind theme.
From time to time we have individual assemblies to highlight a particular part of the curriculum or share our learning with parents and carers.
TUESDAY - Picture News
Tuesday morning each class participates in pictures news allowing children to be exposed to relevant new stories related to a wider context or theme. Children have the opportunities to reflect and ask questions within their classroom.
Teachers take it in turns to lead assemblies each Wednesday morning informing children about events or significant individuals from across the world. These can be related to up and coming school events or parts of the curriculum.
On Thursday Mr Smith or Mrs Sennett lead our musical worship. We worship through our wonderful singing, practicing old favourites and learning some new songs that praise God and Jesus.
Each Friday afternoon we celebrate our many achievements of the week including our Wow Writer award, that is given to best author in each class; the Golden Learner award for the child that shows the most determination and perseverance in each class or has excelled in a particular area; the handwriting hero award that is given to children in Reception class and KS1 who have made great progress in handwriting and the Estrella de la Semena or Spanish Star, which is the KS2 child who has tried the hard in Spanish lessons. We also celebrate any sporting or musical achievements as well as celebrating excellent lunchtime behaviour with our Lunchtime Superstar certificate. A couple of times each term our Community Award is chosen by other children to one of their peers for demonstrating kindness and going above and beyond. Achievements are also encouraged from outside of school as we celebrate a variety of awards that children have achieved such as swimming certificates, gymnastic medals, mosque certificates or football trophies.