Children's Mental Health Week
Children’s Mental Health.
Children's and adult's mental health is an area of the curriculum which has been significantly developed. Having introduced and implemented 'My Happy Mind' each class has weekly sessions that provide information to develop children's awareness of mental health alongside effective strategies to support their regulation of emotions. Each class has two 'My Happy Mind Heroes' that help to feedback their weekly learning during termly meetings with the Head of School. The content of 'My Happy Mind' sessions is discussed twice a half term as part of assemblies when the new half termly theme is introduced. In addition to weekly class sessions, the school has employed two members of staff to be Emotional Literacy Support Assistants (ELSA). Both practitioners, can each week, provide more bespoke and personalised support for targeted children. This may involve a series of frequent sessions over the course of six weeks. At Batley Parish we continue to work closely with outside agencies and, when relevant, a number of services are used to support families including children's mental health.